Homestead Diary #6


The dry cabin living, in the tin tent has been a bit rough, but nevertheless satisfying. To have our own space, regardless of living conditions is a breath of fresh air.

So far we have managed to get in two doors and a window, between logging and general life.

The garden is also barely under way, I’m way behind schedule. So far I only have cucumbers, radishes and lettuce planted.

I have managed to achieve a few things that are exciting to me. We have an old foundation just outside the kitchen door(which is what I call the newest door). The foundation which is overun with grass and weeds and is partially shaded by the big ancient Apple tree will be turned into my little secret slash kitchen garden. It’s a beautiful view from the stoop and my soon to be kitchen window.

I started excavating it the other day with plans of growing a few broccali plants on one side. In front of the foundation is a mound of dirt in which we have already planted a rose bush, marigolds and radishes.

This will be where most of my herbs will be planted along with flowers and random vegetables.

I have come to terms water situation somewhat. I am waiting for the tank to be brought in and the plumbing run.

My main goals this week are to corral the goats. They found my romain lettuce and the leaves of the rose bush. Time to put an end to the nonsense. The other is that it’s time to hay. Lots of heavy work ahead.

All in all there is much tonbe grateful for and much to look forward to.

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